
The Fenway is an exciting area made up of famous academic, medical, arts, and cultural institutions. Additionally, the Fenway has a residential neighborhood, a business community, and the jewel of Fenway: the centennial ballpark that is the home of the Boston Red Sox. Every year, many people from various cities throughout the United States and all over the world visit the Fenway to live, learn, work, and play. Learn more about the challenges and opportunities in the Fenway, and how Fenway CDC works to improve the quality of life for residents while building a healthier community.

Food Access Program

Fenway Cares
Fenway Cares food distribution is every other Wednesday at 3:30pm at two locations – Symphony Park and Fenway Community Center. Visit here for more information. Fenway Cares is a collaboration of Fenway CDC, Audubon Circle Neighborhood Association, Fenway Alliance, Fenway Civic Association, Fenway Community Center, Operation P.E.A.C.E.. Together, we address food insecurity in the community and help residents access fresh, nutritious food.

Free Career Counseling

Fenway CDC provides career counseling (in-person or virtual) and referral services for job seekers. We will share employment opportunities that are available, training resources, and provide social service referrals. To schedule a session, please email Jumana Rasheed-Rosenfield at or (617) 267-4637 x 29.